Advanced Pio Tools (beta)

Advanced Pio Tools is a program that contains various tooling for PioSolver You can download the installer here. A free 1-week long trial period is available to ensure that the software does what you expect, and works properly on your computer. Purchasing the software is available in the app directly. However, alternative forms of payment are accepted. Please ask in the Discord server. The software costs $250 USD and is tied to your PioSOLVER license, so as long as you have access to that license, you will have access to this software.

Tree Pruning

Here is a video explaining tree pruning
APT lets you limit a turn or river node to use only some subset of the bet sizes in the tree while allowing the those bet sizes to be different for any runout. You can do this through the direct PioViewer integration, or through a bulk job running process. APT accomplishes this by a subtree for the node in question, testing out every possible subset of bet sizes individually, choosing the set of bet sizes with the highest EV, and node locking that new strategy onto the original sim. Some people find this useful for drilling vs. the GTO trainer, analyzing aggregated reports, or just going over individual hands.

Here is an example of a BB vs BTN 3BP sim where the turn cbet node has been locked to use a single size, despite the original sim having 3 different bet sizes at this node.

Here is an example of a turn cbet node that is mixing a lot of different sizes. We can use the PioViewer integration to have it solve down to the optimal 2 size solution, or the optimal 1 size solution.

APT also provides tooling to generate hand histories from Pio sims, save the hands you have played vs the solver at hand history files, and re-solve batches of sims to higher accuracy.


1. Why does my sim exploitability go up after pruning the tree?
It's mostly because of a side effect of re-saving a Pio file that is not a full save. Because the river nodes (and possibly turn nodes) are unsolved when we load a sim and save it, the solver caches the exploitability using the default strategy of mixing every action at equal proportion. However, that doesn't really matter because we delete those nodes anyway when we save it anyway.

2. Can you add X feature?
Maybe. Suggest it in the discord.

3. Does this work with JeSolver? Pio2? Pio3?
Yes to all.